

Page history last edited by Teresa Almeida d'Eca 14 years, 5 months ago






"a Professional Learning Potluck to share examples of best practice in online teaching and learning"


17-24 Sep. 2010 


I heard about this course from Sharon Betts, a dear colleague and Webhead friend. Its purpose - "to bring educators from across the world to 'show and tell' their successful online practices bringing together innovative and personalized uses of technology" - got me on the bandwagon. Sharing what I know and have done is one of the things I love doing.



Blended learning with beginner EFLers


Teresa Almeida d'Eça

Parede (Lisbon area), Portugal

20 Sep. 2010, 18:00 GMT



I decided to take part in the course (I'm a lifelong learner, as you all are, I'm sure) and also give a short presentation on work I carried out with my 5th-6th grade (1st-2nd year) EFL students from 2005-2007, which may give colleagues ideas. The presentation has to do with a curricular blog and Web 2.0 tools.


I'll make a short intro first and will then show a few examples of blended lessons an activities from the CALL Lessons 2005-2007 blog, which I'm very proud to say won the EU Schoolnet international "e-Learning Awards 2007", Gold Prize in the category of "School of the Future".



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